BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NATUROPATHY Basic principles of Naturopathy state the complete picture of the natures working mechanism and the proper distribution and utilization of vital power along with enhancing the quality and quantity of the vital force. The treatments in naturopathy give the helping hand and space to the natures healing force to take over the diseased condition and bring about healing. The 10 basic principles which are the foundation for practice of naturopathy are: Nature heals itself. Main cause of disease is enervation. Deposit of metabolic end products in the body is disease. Acute disease is remedial process-itself a cure. Food is a building material, does not increase vitality. Fasting provides an opportunity to the body to heal itself. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition/ seed is nothing soil is everything. Exercise or physical activity keeps balance between nutrition and drainage. Treatments give only reli...
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